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where do I sign

What deeds are missing?

It’s decided. You are going to sign your mortgage. These are important days in which everything will move very swiftly and you have to be sure and prepared so as not to leave anything to chance. With the help of our mortgage expert you will be confident thanks to their constant guidance.

Period of reflection

Once you have signed all of the precontractual documentation there will be a period of reflection lasting between 10 and 14 days (depending on the autonomous region) aimed at assessing the operation as a whole and for you to visit the notary of your choice to receive the obligatory notarial advice before signing the deed. Once this period is over and you have received the notarial advice, we will visit the same notary together to sign the sale and mortgage loan deeds. Both will be signed on the same day, one after the other.

What are the deeds?

The public document that is signed before the notary is known as the deed, and it reflects all the terms and conditions of an agreement, contract or transaction. In the case of the sale of a property, two types of deeds are usually signed at the same time:

  • Deed of sale

    This is the document that contains the transferral of a property from one owner to another; the deed of sale is signed before the notary and entered into the Property Registry.

  • Public mortgage loan deed

    This is the contract that reflects the rights and obligations of the Financial Entity (lender) and the client (borrower).

We know that reviewing deeds is not easy and an expert that looks out for your interests can help you check that everything is in order. The notary will advise you in case there is anything you wish or need to modify. It is perhaps then that you will most value the figure of your mortgage helper who is going to play a truly important role for you. We all know that signing before a notary is an important moment because it is unfamiliar. You will be able to contact your mortgage consultant on this very special day, so that you feel safe and supported, making the moment truly emotional and positive. You will leave the appointment as a homeowner!

It’s time to sign the deeds

If you agree with the contents of the house deeds, the next step is to sign before a notary on the agreed date. To do so, you need to take the original ID card (or personal ID document) of all the people who are going to sign as new owners or parties involved in the mortgage to the notary’s office. The pre-contractual documentation that you signed will already be at the notary’s office and will be included in the mortgage deed. Once before the notary, they will read the sale and mortgage loan deeds out to you. The seller and the buyer (you) will sign the deeds of sale.

Then you must sign the mortgage loan deeds with us, and at that point, the payable amounts will be given to the seller, discounting any previous charges, where they exist. An agency that handles administrative activities will normally do this for you. If you agree with the contents of the deeds, the next step is to sign before a notary on the agreed date. Once signed, these deeds will be entered into the Property Registry. The notary will keep the original mortgage loan deed and you will receive a copy of it, together with proof of the settlements of the corresponding charges.

The notary

    Signing these deeds before a notary is a safeguard for both parties and the process itself, witnessing what is being declared at that moment and checking, among other points, the identity and capacities of the seller and buyer to perform such a transaction.

And then?

Processing all of the aforementioned (registry entry, settlement...) takes a few months. As soon as it is all in order, we will deliver all of the documentation to you in a file that you must look after carefully, given that they are documents that identify you as the owner and as the mortgage borrower. Remember that, even though you do not have all these documents in your possession, you are the owner of the property to all effects and purposes. Your mortgage helper will call you a couple of days after signing to check that everything went well and that everything was as you had envisaged.

Are you satisfied?

Now that you are part of our family, we would like you to recommend us, as many people have already, through the EKOMI ratings and reviews platform.

All that is left to say now is what we have been wanting to say all along: Congratulations!