Buy a house and make it your home

Purchase and reform, all in one mortgage.
Turn a second-hand house into a brand new one.
Renovate that bathroom or that kitchen, making it brand new and just how you want it.

Increase the options in your house search by looking for one you can renovate.

SUMA Mortgage... renovate the house and make it your own

  • Maximum mortgage term of 30 years
  • Receive the purchase amount and up to 30% of the reform budget on signature
  • Receive the rest of the amount as the renovation progresses. A surveyor will certify the progress of the construction work
  • Interest-only while the renovation lasts. For a maximum of 12 months
  • Choose your own builder. If you have one that you trust... Go for it!
  • Talk to our commercial team about how to convert your Suma mortgage to Green

Contact us to find out how we can help you build your home and answer any questions you may have!

  • Select
  • Select
  • Select
  • Select
  • Type of housing
  • Does the house need renovation?
  • +34
  • Select

Call us and find out how we can help you build your home and resolve any queries!

SUMA Green Mortgage

Purchase + Reform in a single loan. If you improve energy efficiency by 30% according ot your final your energy certificate, you will be eligible for a SUMA Green mortgage. Consults us.