
You can get the mortgage you need

Build your house from scratch? Buy new construction? Renovate your second-hand house? Yes, you can do your project with the specialist mortgage that best suits you.


We finance the rehabilitation of your building

Do you want to make your building more efficient? Make the renovation you need, renew the facilities and save on your energy consumption, with our REHABITA Loan.

We are a Financial Institution owned 50% by Banco Santander and by BNP Paribas

Agencies in Spain and in Portugal
Professionals make up an expert team ready to assist you
About us

We are specialists and experts in financing homes

UCI was set up through the union of two major banks offering a different way of financing homes. For 30 years, in close association with our partners and clients we provide the solutions that they need.

Energy rehabilitation of your building is within reach

Sign u to savings with the RER Plan (Residential Energy Rehabilitation) improving the energy efficiency of your building has never been so easy.

Collaboration and commitment define our business

We work on financing projects with the very best Real Estate

  • Real Estate

    A commitment of over 30 years with those who know the most about homes

  • Rehabilitation business

    A collaboration for changing the world through efficient homes

  • Financial consultants

    Commitment and collaboration that enables us to go a lot further and get more done.