Mortgage insurance

Important for you. Important for us

Are you insured? Are you sure you’re insured?

We should take care of the things that really matter, don’t you think? Discover our insurance products and make the decision to protect you and your loved ones.

Focus on living your life and nothing else

  • Transparent

    Like everything we do
  • Flexible

    They’re not made of rubber, but almost
  • Simple

    Just a click or a phone call away. Instantaneous
  • Understandable

    We make the hard easy, as you know

Policies from top insurance companiesS

As the song goes ‘What Will Tomorrow Bring?’... and we all wonder the same thing. The answer is, it doesn’t matter if you’re protected.


Insurance as big as a house

You spend a lot of your day putting out fires, but we’ll take care of them from now on.

The insurance policies we offer cover fire, flooding, breakages, theft, 24-hour assistance, civil liability, legal costs and damage claims.


Everything changes, everything stays the same

Life is full of changes and changes bring life changes.

If your personal or professional circumstances change, we guarantee payment of the fixed instalment for the duration of the policy.


Be prepared for the ‘just in case’

Because you and your loved ones come first, we offer insurance that covers the payment of the sum insured should the unexpected happen.

That way, whatever happens and whatever the outcome, the future of those you love is insured.

Acronyms and jargon are not our thing. We say it in plain language.

  • APR stands for Annual Percentage Rate and is a financial term that can be defined as the interest rate that indicates the cost or effective yield of a financial product during the term established for the operation.
  • NIR stands for Nominal Interest Rate It is the percentage applied to the outstanding loan capital to calculate the interest that the borrower has to pay the bank or financial institution for the money lent. 
  • Acronym for ‘European Interbank Offered Rate,’ it is the interest rate at which the main financial institutions lend money to each another on the interbank market. One-year Euribor is the most widely used benchmark rate for variable rate loans, and is published monthly by the Bank of Spain.
  • Part of the price advanced by the buyer in a contract of sale as a guarantee that they will purchase the property.

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  • Our agents are licensed to market products as mortgage brokers.
    S1 Home insurance brokered through Unión de Créditos Inmobiliarios, S.A. E.F.C. Operador Banca Seguros Vinculado, A39025515, marketed with the insurance company Liberty Seguros, compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A.

    S2 Payment protection insurance brokered through Unión de Créditos Inmobiliarios, S.A. E.F.C. Operador Banca Seguros Vinculado, A39025515, marketed with the insurance companies Cardif Assurance Vie, Sucursal España and CNP Partners de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A.

    S3 Life insurance brokered through Unión de Créditos Inmobiliarios, S.A. E.F.C. Operador Banca Seguros Vinculado, A39025515, marketed with the insurance companies Cardif Assurance Vie, Sucursal España and CNP Partners de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A.

    S Insurance brokered through Unión de Créditos Inmobiliarios, S.A. E.F.C. Operador Banca Seguros Vinculado, A39025515, registered with the Directorate-General for Insurance and Pension Funds (DGSFP) under no. OV-0076. Civil liability and financial capacity covered according to current legislation. Insurance companies: Cardif Assurances Risques Divers Suc. España, Santander Seguros y Reaseguros, Compañía Aseguradora, S.A., Caja de Seguros Reunidos, Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A. (Caser), Liberty Seguros, Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A., CNP Partners de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A., Cardif Assurance Vie, Sucursal España. For more information, visit the DGSFP’s Single Point of Information at:

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    • Tailored to your circumstances, the mortgage that fits like a glove.